An Innovative training solution
Teach professional skills in safe way
Though a latest technology stimulator wooded It is suitable for univercities and institutes that they are responcible for training personel in the wood working industry.
The trainers are working on the wooded table like they would have done in a real machine.
With the use of special equipment such us googles and sensors they work, and they interact with the machine with zero risk of accident.
Furthermore the software is tracking their moves and checking their performance.
Train your personel with safety!
With the use of this trainign platform future accidents in the wood working industry are less.
One platform many solutions
It offers three types of exercices : planing, cup planing and box planing.
It allows to train on mark edging, line edging, fretwork 1R and fretwork 2R.
It enables to train on edging, cross cut and calibrating.
It offers training on two types of exercises: continuous shaping and fixed shaping.
New Products
Our company is specialized in sawmilling solutions.
Furthermore we are expertized in timber drying, HT and special drying kilns.
Pellet production lines in cooperation from the best italian manufactures.
Sawmills also need cutting tools for operation, we are always cooperating with the best.
As manufacturers we have our own production line of machines, you will find here custom made machines, as well as mechanisation lines.
Make your choise from the large list of machines we offer you
Software and Automation
In this section you can find solutions for inovative training from Mimbus
Modern solutions for optimising your carriage setworks as well as your board edger setworks, with PLC software of our production.